Delivering Newcastle 2040

City of Newcastle's (CN) Delivery Program and Operational Plan are known as Delivering Newcastle 2040. Delivering Newcastle 2040 is one of our most important documents as it demonstrates how we will achieve the community’s vision and priorities, including clear actions that guide the delivery of our services and projects.

Delivering Newcastle 2040 is prepared annually to provide the community with an outline of the commitments and projects we will undertake over the coming year to continue striving towards our goal of making Newcastle a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city.

Key Highlights:

We will invest over $415 million into our city, delivering key services and infrastructure that will bring our community's vision to life. We provide over 60 services to our community and plan to deliver 282 projects and 170 actions across the city.

In 2024/25 we will continue to deliver initiatives from our informing and supporting strategies such as the Environment Strategy, Cycling and Parking Plan, Climate Action Plan, Social Strategy, and Sustainable Waste Strategy

We’re delivering another record annual investment into public infrastructure with more than $139 million earmarked for capital works projects, whilst continuing on a path of financial sustainability with a surplus of $4.1 million.

Highlights include:

  • $32.9 million on two City Shaping projects such as the expansion of the Newcastle Art Gallery and the remediation of the former landfill at Sandgate
  • $38.1 million on roads, bridges, footpaths, community buildings, stormwater, and flood planning such as Mayfield East and Darby Street
  • $18.1 million on our Libraries, Parks, Aquatic Centres, Civic sites and recreation, and sports improvements such as Gregson Park Playground
  • $14.7 million on waste management
  • $6.9 million on improving our information technology and commercial properties
  • $9.9 million on revitalising our coast, city, and urban centres such as East End Public Domain Plan, Hunter Street Mall, Orchardtown Road New Lambton, and Georgetown
  • $12.9 million on environmental sustainability such as coastal management such as Stockton coastline protection work and Blackbutt Reserve improvements
  • $6 million will be invested in cycleways and transport
2024-25 Works Program Summary

Have your say

We want you to have your say on how we’re planning to deliver your vision for a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city. Your feedback will help to guide our priorities and actions for the next financial year.

Between 26 April and 5pm 24 May 2024, the community is invited to:

  • View the draft documents available in the document library on this page
  • Read the Frequently Asked Questions
  • Make a submission by clicking the button below

Next steps

The project team will review all feedback received before finalising the documents. Delivering Newcastle will be presented to Council for adoption on 25 June 2024.