Join our community panel
Join our panel to stay up to date on important projects and initiatives in your local area.
Join our panel to stay up to date on important projects and initiatives in your local area.
We're coming out to talk to you about a number of other exciting and transformative projects along our coastline! Here's your chance to find out more and have your say!
Let us know your feedback on what we have planned as part of the Stage Two upgrades to the pavilion buildings & surrounds. Find out more & have your say before 5 August!
Let us know your feedback on the Bathers Way extension into King Edward Park. Find out more & have your say before 5 August!
We want to see how you value and connect with Stockton Beach. Thank you for your submissions. This competition has now closed.
Thanks for having your say on the potential installation of age-friendly fitness stations at Maryville. We're currently reviewing feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for having your say. Concept designs for the proposed upgrade of the existing crossing at Memorial Drive, Bar Beach were approved by Council on 26 March 2024.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal. The Newcastle Beach Pedestrian Subway mural has now been completed.
Thanks for having your say on proposed upgrades to improve traffic flow on Minmi Road. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on a proposal to improve safety for cycling along Hunter Street. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on two new community spaces for Blackbutt Village. We're reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed upgrades at Bulkara Street and Lake Road, Wallsend. We're reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for having your say. Concept designs for the pedestrian connection at Traise Street, Waratah were approved by Council on 27 February 2024.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed kerb extensions at Laman Street and Auckland Street, Cooks Hill. During the public exhibition, we received 59 submissions.
Thanks for having your say on our 10-year roadmap for achieving our vision of a sustainable Newcastle. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say. Council voted to adopt the Throsby, Styx and Cottage Creek Flood Study on 12 December 2023. Find out more about the exhibition outcomes.
We are revitalising Newcastle's much-loved Ocean Baths. Thanks for having your say on the preliminary floorplan layout for renewal of the pavilion buildings.
Thanks for having your say. Concept designs for these cycleway improvements have now been adopted by Council. Find out what we heard and what changes have been made.
Thanks for having your say! The Community Engagement Strategy has now been adopted.
Thanks for having your say on the draft place strategy to guide future development, housing, jobs, public spaces & facilities. We're currently reviewing your feedback.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed upgrades to Longworth Avenue, Wallsend. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say. Concept designs for the Jesmond cycleway improvements have now been adopted by Council. Find out what we heard and view the final designs.
Thanks for having your say on traffic changes to improve road safety at Maud Street, Waratah West. Find out more about what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on how we can make Maitland Road, Mayfield a more vibrant and active space to visit and spend time in. We are reviewing your feedback.
Thanks for having your say on potential options for cycleway improvements. We're reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for participating in the 2023 Australian Liveability Census, the country's largest social research project.
Delivering Newcastle 2040 is our action plan for making Newcastle a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city.
We've established the Inland Pools Community Network to enable our community to play an active role in shaping the way we manage & invest in our inland pools.
Thanks for having your say and helping CN develop a more strategic approach to how we prioritise pedestrian improvements across Newcastle.
Have your say on how we can deliver an indoor pool at Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre that we can all be proud of.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas and suggestions for road, path and embankment improvements along Woodward Street, Merewether.
Thanks for having your say on our 20-year plan to protect and enhance our Inland Pools. On 23 May 2023, Council unanimously adopted the Inland Pools Strategy 2043.
Thanks for having your say! The traffic calming concept designs have now been adopted by Council. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on accessibility and compliance of the 2021 Local Government Election in Newcastle. We're currently reviewing your feedback.
Thanks for having your say on the existing Newcastle City Centre and Newcastle East Heritage Conservation Areas. Read the Engagement Reports to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on the possible five-year extension of the Newcastle 500 supercars event. Read the Community Consultation Report to find out what we heard.
Thank you for having your say. Your feedback has been reviewed and the Newcastle 500 Community Consultation Strategy finalised.
Thanks for having your say on the Crown Land Plan of Management. The final Plan was adopted by Council on 31 October 2023.
Thank you for having your say on the Darby Street 'Streets as Shared Spaces' trial. Your feedback is currently being reviewed.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed upgrades at Maryland Drive Reserve. We've now finalised the concept plan with works commencing April 2023.
Thanks for having your say! The Adamstown Park Masterplan has now been adopted. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on the Social Strategy which provides a framework for supporting equitable, inclusive, connected and healthy communities.
We have put the community public places and spaces, that form the heart of our communities, at the centre in our new Social Infrastructure Strategy.
Thanks for having your say! Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard. The Masterplan has been prepared to guide the future vision and upgrades at Smith Park.
Thanks for having your say! We are currently reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for having your say on the concept designs for Gregson Park Playspace! Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Thank you to everyone that shared their thoughts, ideas and suggestions for innovative cycling infrastructure from Parkway Avenue to Honeysuckle!
Enjoy Newcastle's vibrant culture, support local venues and help unlock our night-time economy as we move to Phase 2 of the trial to include pubs and clubs
Thanks for having your say on plans to improve the safety, look and feel of Georgetown Local Centre. Read the Engagement Reports to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on the revised proposal to improve cycling connectivity between Lambton Park and Croudace Street, Lambton.
Thanks for having your say on the Harbour Foreshore Masterplan. The Masterplan was unanimously adopted by Council on 13 December 2022.
Thanks for having your say on whether a local event day is granted for Newcastle Regional Show Day in 2023. We're currently reviewing your feedback.
We’re updating the Plan of Management to guide the long-term future of the site. Thanks for having your say.
New cycleways are being planned for Mayfield and surrounding areas. A summary report of the engagement and feedback received during Phase 1 is now available.
We all need to be able to get around our community to undertake our daily activities, whether it is for work, education, social activities, or other reasons.
We have sought feedback on a proposal to stabilise an embankment and upgrade a footpath on Bull Street, Mayfield.
Thanks for having your say on a proposal for pedestrian safety improvements at Wallarah Road, New Lambton.
Thanks for having your say on a proposal to upgrade the pedestrian crossing on Bridge Street, Waratah.
We are proposing to expand our operations at Summerhill Waste Management Centre to include a Material Recovery Facility.
City of Newcastle is proposing to build an organics processing facility at Summerhill Waste Management Centre to process food and garden waste, diverting it from landfill
Learn more about how we engaged the community to improve the Wallsend Local Centre.
Thank you for your feedback to help inform a new strategy that will guide the future direction of tennis and bat ball facilities across Newcastle.
Thanks for your feedback on pedestrian safety improvements at Wilkinson Avenue, Birmingham Gardens.
Thank you for your feedback on what you would like to see more of and what you would like to see improved.
We recently sought feedback from the community on a range of timed (not paid) parking options as part of our Local Centre upgrade.
We have sought feedback on stormwater upgrades and pedestrian safety improvements at Tooke Street, Cooks Hill.
We're working with the Bathers Way - King Edward Park Community Reference Group (CRG) in delivering the next stage of the Bathers Way through the Park.
Thanks for having your say! The Wickham Public Domain Plan was unanimously adopted by Council on 28 November 2023. Read the Engagement Reports to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed pedestrian crossing at Frederick Street and Berner Street, Merewether. Construction will commence early May 2023.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed concept designs to improve road user and pedestrian safety along Albert Street, Wickham.
Thanks for having your say! The Minister for Industrial Relations has approved a Local Event Day for the Newcastle Regional Show Day on Friday 1 March 2024.
Thanks for having your say! On 12 December 2023, Council voted to adopt the Newcastle DCP 2023. Read the Public Exhibition Report to find out what we heard.
Thanks for having your say on the proposed location for a memorial to celebrate the Rotary Club of Newcastle's 100 years of service to our City.
Thanks for having your say on the Draft Council Property Lease & License Policy. We're currently reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for having your say on the Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservation Areas Review Report! Read the Public Exhibition Report to find out what we heard.
In 2021 you told us your vision for Newcastle is a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city. Here's your chance to let us know if we're on the right track.
Thanks for sharing your experiences to help us improve pedestrian crossing facilities. We're currently reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.
Thanks for having your say on traffic changes to enhance safety and improve traffic flow for the western corridor. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Engagement projects finalised/adopted by Council prior to 2023.
Thank you for your feedback on proposed cycleway improvements in Islington. View the engagement summary to find out what we heard.
Have Your Say on draft policies, planning proposals, planning agreements, changes to our Development Control Plans, changes to legislation and mapping.
Thanks for having your say about what you want to see as part of future upgrades to Georgetown Local Centre! To find out more, check out the Engagement Reports.
Our plan for safe and accessible walking and rolling in the Newcastle LGA is now on public exhibition.
We are inviting the community to have their say on the draft Waratah Park Masterplan.
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Phone | 02 4974 2000 |
Website | |
In writing | 12 Stewart Avenue |