Project update
Thanks for having your say! The concept designs for the Hunter Street Trial Cycleway - Stage 2 Extension were unanimously adopted by Council on 12 December 2023. Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Detailed design for the upgrades will commence this financial year with construction to follow. We will provide an update to the community when construction is due to commence.
What is proposed?
As part of our ongoing efforts to deliver safe, connected, convenient cycleways across our city, we are delivering a new trial cycleway along Hunter Street, from National Park Street to Ivy Street.
This work is a continuation of the existing trial cycleway on Hunter Street, creating a 2km long dedicated lane for cyclists, connecting Hamilton to the city.
Future cycleways will feed into this cycleway to achieve a comprehensive cycling network.
The proposal includes construction of a cycleway on either side of Hunter Street where cyclists are separated from pedestrians and motorists. Intersection treatments are being carefully considered to prioritise pedestrian and cycling connectivity and safety.
Why this project is being proposed?
Implementation of a cycling network in the city centre is a key element of the City Centre Revitalisation Program, and critical for increasing active transport, renewing Hunter Street and delivering on the transport objectives outlined in the Newcastle 2040 Community Strategy Plan.
This route is also an important link in the city's proposed network as identified in the On Our Bikes – Cycle Plan 2021-2030.
During previous consultation in 2019, 89% of survey respondents strongly supported a separated cycleway and 74% strongly supported a reduction in traffic lanes (from four lanes to two).
This work will significantly improve cycling safety and connectivity from Islington and Tighes Hill into the city.
Thanks for having your say!
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Stage 2 concept designs for the Hunter Street Trial Cycleway and shared their experiences with Stage 1. The community showed strong support for the cycleway extension, with 90% of survey respondents supporting the proposed upgrades (15% with changes). To find out more, check out the Engagement Report.

Proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with City of Newcastle
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Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:
Phone | 02 4974 2000 |
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In writing | 12 Stewart Avenue |