Project update

Thanks for having your say on traffic changes to improve road safety at Maud Street, Waratah West. Find out more about what we heard at the bottom of this page.

Construction has commenced. For further information, visit the project page.


The cycleway between the University of Newcastle (Callaghan) and the Newcastle City Centre is a key regional route in Newcastle's cycling network as identified in the Newcastle Cycling Plan. Crossing Maud Street currently presents major safety and accessibility issues for both cyclists using the cycleway and pedestrians. Therefore, plans to improve this crossing have been considered and a signalised mid-block crossing is planned.

Previous consultation for the signalised mid-block crossing in 2017 demonstrated the community's support for the project, with some modifications which were shown in the 2019 project update.

During the planning process, the need to change the travel lane configuration was identified to ensure minimal disruption to traffic flows. The proposed changes remain consistent with the project update distributed in 2019, with updated alignments to travel lanes ensuring that the signalised mid-block crossing won’t adversely affect the signals at the intersection of Lorna Street and Maud Street.

Project overview

We recently sought feedback on traffic changes to accommodate a signalised mid-block crossing for the section of Maud Street between Prince Street and Vera Street, which will improve the safety for cyclists and pedestrians in the area.

To facilitate safe movement to the crossing and to help calm traffic, civil works on side streets include:

  • On Prince Street there will be kerb extensions with short sections of shared path, cyclist off/on ramps, and an improved refuge.
  • There will be no exit from Vera Street onto Maud Street and Vera Street will be one way (westbound) for a short section with kerb extensions, short sections of shared path, and off/on ramps.

The lane alignment has been designed so that the changes won't adversely impact the future efficiency of the road network. The lane alignment changes are as follows:

  • Northbound traffic on Maud Street (heading towards Maitland Road) will maintain two travel lanes from Lorna Street, across the rail bridge, and on to Maitland Road.
  • Southbound traffic on Maud Street will be required to merge at Miller Street to one lane crossing the bridge, widening to two lanes south of the bridge on to Lorna Street.

These works will significantly improve pedestrian and cycling connectivity across this major road in Waratah West.

Thanks for having your say!

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed traffic changes. We heard from 39 people. Of these, 28 people provided support (9 with changes).

What we heard

  • Those who provided support commented that the project would improve safety, convenience and access for both cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Suggested improvements included ensuring ramps and paths are wide enough to accommodate all users, fixing footpaths/roads and further improvements to the area.
  • The main concerns were in relation to traffic congestion, impact to residents accessing Vera Street and visibility for cars coming from the bridge.