Project update

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) has discontinued the planning proposal for 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher in response to City of Newcastle's request and matters raised during public exhibition.

During the public exhibition from 22 April to 21 May 2024 we received 361 submissions. The majority of these raised concerns about biodiversity and infrastructure.

The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) also raised concerns about land use and the site's proximity to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. The EPA recommended additional assessment of the impacts from existing land uses to inform appropriate future land uses, transitional zonings, buffer distances, and design choices. As a result of the issues raised by the EPA and time required to address these matters, City of Newcastle has requested the proposal not proceed given the lack of certainty around these matters.

For further information, please refer to the NSW Government Planning Portal.

Planning Proposal - 505 Minmi Road Fletcher

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) directed City of Newcastle to commence public exhibition of a planning proposal to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 for land at 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher.

The public is invited to provide comments on the planning proposal which intends to:

  • Rezone land from C4 Environmental Living to R2 Low Density Residential and C2 Environmental Conservation.
  • Amend the lot size map to reduce the minimum lot size of 40ha allow a minimum lot size of 300m2 and 450m2 in the residential area.
  • Amend the height of buildings map to apply a maximum building height of 8.5m.
  • Amend the urban release area map to identify the proposed residential land as an urban release area.

The planning proposal and supporting documents can be found in the document on the NSW Government Planning Portal website.

Related public exhibition - Biodiversity Certification

In conjunction with the public exhibition of the planning proposal for 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is placing the biodiversity certification application on public exhibition for comment.

Biodiversity certification aims to integrate biodiversity conservation planning and land use intensification, focusing on strategic planning at the landscape scale. It relies on identifying early areas of higher biodiversity value for conservation, and areas of lower biodiversity value for development. Land proposed for certification is to be located to avoid and and minimise impacts on high environmental value land including threatened species, ecological communities, and their habitats.

The NSW Government is inviting the public to provide comment to the DCCEEW on the biodiversity certification application for 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher. The Biodiversity Certification Application including the Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report can be found on the DCCEEW website. The exhibition commences 22 April 2024.

Feedback on the Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report can be provided to DCCEEW on their website.

Public exhibition period

Thank you for having your say. Public exhibition has now closed, and we are currently reviewing your feedback.The Planning proposal for 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher was on public exhibition from 22 April 2024 until 21 May 2024.

Protecting your privacy

The City of Newcastle is committed to protecting your privacy. We take reasonable steps to comply with relevant legislation and Council policy.

Purpose of collecting personal details: Council is collecting this information to determine the local community’s views and opinions on the proposal outlined.

Intended recipients: Information provided as part of the consultation will be used as part of the investigation into the proposal, and may be included in future reports on the issue.
Storage and security: Information provided will be stored on Council's database and will be subject to Council’s information and privacy policies.
Access: Individuals can access data to check accuracy by contacting Council.