The Harbour to Cathedral Park concept (originally known as Stairway to Heaven), first developed fifteen years ago by a group of Novocastrian architects, proposes to link Cathedral Park to the Harbour via a grand staircase.
The concept seeks to open-up connections and view lines from the Harbour foreshore and Hunter Street Mall to Cathedral Park, aligning with long held strategic objectives of City of Newcastle (CN) and the NSW Government to connect the city to the harbour.
The Harbour to Cathedral Park vision is to:
• Create a landmark destination for the community and visitors to Newcastle
• Protect and enhance view corridors from the Harbour to Cathedral Park
• Provide an accessible route from the waterfront to Cathedral Park
• Retain 380 public car parking spaces in a centralised and convenient location
• Deliver new community facilities
A feasibility assessment has found that an integrated approach involving CN and Iris Capital owned land would provide the best outcome for our city. The proposed precinct for this integrated option, comprising 11,645m2, will allow a landmark new public space to be created to enhance the visual and physical connections to Cathedral Park, and provides for 380 public car parking spaces and community facilities along with development of the site for residential, retail and commercial purposes. We’re working with Iris Capital on an in-principle agreement on the terms and conditions about how we might progress the concept.
Thanks for having your say
We recently asked the community for their feedback on the Harbour to Cathedral Park vision. Find out what the community had to say in our summary engagement report, or read the full engagement report.