
In 2022 we sought feedback from the community on a proposal to establish a Material Recovery Facility, generally referred to as a "MRF" (pronounced "murf") at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. A MRF is a dedicated facility to sort co-mingled (mixed) recyclables into individual material types, including paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, steel and aluminium. The sorted materials are baled (except for glass, which is stored in skip bins) and can then be sold to recyclers for use in the manufacture of new products. A MRF sorts recyclables from household yellow lid bins, recyclables from other Councils and some recyclables from the commercial sector, such as shops and restaurants.

In late 2022 a Development Application was lodged, and in 2023 Council resolved to accept a tender for construction of a MRF at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Since that time the projected capital cost and risk profile for the project changed, and as a result Council withdrew its decision to accept the tender.

An alternative approach to processing of recyclables has been developed providing good value for money for ratepayers on this vital service, with a new contract for the processing of recyclables at an existing MRF at Somersby on the Central Coast.

The DA application for the proposed MRF at Summerhill Waste Management Centre has been withdrawn.

There is no change to the types of materials that can be placed in yellow-lidded household recycling bins, and the Curby program for collection of soft plastics will continue. For more information on what can and can't be recycled in your household bin visit our Waste and Recycling A-Z.

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Thank you to the members of the community who provided feedback during earlier stages of this project.