
In 2019, City of Newcastle (CN) constructed speed cushions on Albert Street, Wickham to slow traffic and increase safety, in line with Wickham's Local Area Traffic Management Study (2017). These speed cushions were investigated and found to cause excessive vibration and noise, with investigations also finding that there was an excessive amount of heavy vehicle traffic moving through this location.

In May 2021, the Newcastle City Traffic Committee (NCTC) met to discuss the removal of the existing speed cushions, and recommendations for other alternative traffic calming devices.

The changes include: the relocation of an existing pedestrian refuge, new kerb islands, medians and improved lighting. The design aims to improve the safety of road users, pedestrians and residents.

Thanks for having your say!

Thanks for having your say on the proposed concept designs for traffic calming infrastructure along Albert Street, Wickham. We heard from 32 people, with a majority of respondents supporting the changes. View the Engagement Summary Report to find out more about what we heard.

At the Council Meeting on 3 December 2024, Council endorsed changes to replace the raised devices with median islands and kerb blisters and work with Transport for NSW to reduce the speed limit of Albert Street to 40km/h.

For more information, view the Council Report via the Council Meetings webpage.