We invited the community to have their say on the draft Masterplan for Waratah Park which will maximise year-round use of the sporting fields and enhance accessibility, amenities and recreation opportunities.

Over the past 12 months, City of Newcastle has worked with key sporting stakeholders including Rugby Union, League, Cricket and Oztag to inform the development of the draft Waratah Park Masterplan. We also engaged other important key users of Waratah Park including Callaghan College which is located adjacent to the park to ensure the draft Masterplan reflected the needs of the various user groups.

Why develop a draft Masterplan for Waratah Park?

The draft Masterplan is a long term plan that will guide the delivery of infrastructure improvements. It will be used to guide the vision for Waratah Park and details the provision of infrastructure to ensure we meet the recreation and sporting needs of our growing community into the future.

What's included in the draft Masterplan?

The draft Masterplan improves the field layout to maximise year-round utilisation of the park. It also includes provision for improved and inclusive amenities, leverages opportunities for passive and active recreation whilst retaining the heritage significance of the park.

  • Improved field layout for rugby (league and union) - 5 fields including one all year round field
  • Retain 8 Oztag fields
  • 4 senior cricket fields (3 turf and 1 synthetic) Currently 2 synthetic and 2 turf
  • Flood lighting renewal/upgrades
  • Refurbishment of cricket nets and potential relocation
  • Improved irrigation and drainage
  • Upgrade depot and facilities building at No. 1 Waratah Park Sportsground
  • New amenities to service Waratah Park No.2, No.3 and No.4 sportsgrounds
  • Existing amenity building servicing No. 5 sportsground to be upgraded
  • A continuous 3m wide concrete path around the Park
  • 4 fitness stations with water stations
  • Multi-purpose active court and toilet near new playground
  • New informal seating and lighting for passive recreation
  • Bike racks and bubblers
  • An increase in trees and landscaping throughout the whole park

Thanks for having your say!

We recognise the important role that sporting fields and greenspace play in supporting community connection and improving the liveability of our region.

Thank you for having your say on the draft Wararah Park Masterplan. We're currently reviewing your feedback and will report back soon.