The Community Engagement Strategy was unanimously adopted by Council on 22 August 2023. Read the final Strategy here.
It's Your Newcastle, Your Voice
Involving the community in local planning and decision-making is at the heart of what we do. We're committed to providing opportunities for genuine, representative community engagement, and ensuring that our engagement activities are inclusive and accessible to all members of our community.
Engagement that is planned, proactive and meaningful results in a shared responsibility for success, and encourages community members to actively participate in decisions that shape the future of our city.
With your input, we've developed a strategy which guides how we seek input and feedback on our plans, policies, programs and key activities.
The Community Engagement Strategy outlines how and when you can have your say, including the tools and methods that we may use to communicate and seek feedback from you. We want to ensure that everyone in our community has opportunities to participate in decisions that impact them.
Thanks for having your say!
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts and ideas. The Community Engagement Strategy was unanimously adopted by Council on 22 August 2023. Based on feedback received during public exhibition, we've improved the accessibility of the Strategy to ensure that it can be widely accessed and understood. Read the Engagement Report for more information about what we heard.