Development of the Community Engagement Strategy
CN is developing a draft Community Engagement Strategy. This Strategy will set out what good community engagement looks like, how, when and who we will engage, the methods and tools we will use, and our priority areas for the next four years.
To help develop the Strategy, we reached out to understand how you want to be informed, how you want to participate, and how we can make it easier for you to have your say on the wide range of projects delivered by CN.
The engagement activities conducted in late 2022 included:
- an online survey which had 181 responses
- a face-to-face community workshop with 72 attendees
- an internal workshop with senior staff at CN
- a discussion with CN's Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee
The feedback from these activities is summarised in the Early Engagement Summary Report.
The report details that we heard that it is important for you to:
- feel listened to
- have more personal, human interactions with us
and for us to:
- provide a clear purpose for why we are engaging with you
- act on the feedback that you provide
- explain how your feedback shaped the project outcomes
Engagement activities conducted in early 2023 include:
- a discussion with CN's Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee
- a discussion with CN's Youth Council
Next steps
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Your input has been used to help inform the development of the draft Community Engagement Strategy.
The draft Community Engagement Strategy is now on public exhibition and open for community feedback until 5pm 23 June 2023. Visit the Have Your Say page for further details.