
We're planning for the delivery of a year-round swim facility at Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre and we were seeking your feedback to ensure we can deliver a facility that we can all be proud of.

The delivery of a year-round pool for Lambton was identified as a community priority and is outlined in the Inland Pools Strategy that was adopted in 2023. City of Newcastle's Inland Pool Strategy categorises Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre as 'Greater Newcastle' meaning it serves the whole Council area with some regional demand and incorporates high quality and high capacity facilities that support sport and recreation, leisure and adventure; fitness and training; education; and therapy activities.

This classification is dependent on the future of Hunter Park as we want to ensure offerings are fit for purpose and are not duplicated should the NSW Government commit to fund a contemporary aquatic facility at Hunter Park.

Have your say

Swimming and aquatic recreation are intrinsic to the Newcastle community's way of life and we were excited to hear your feedback. A year round learn to swim facility at Lambton Pool will ensure we can continue improving water safety through learn to swim, across our region.

Between 19 August and 20 October 2024 we invited you to help shape the year-round facility for Lambton Pool by:

  • Reading the frequently asked questions (available on this page)
  • Dropping-in to our roving workshop at Lambton Pool (102 Durham Rd, Lambton) on Thursday 29 August 2024 anytime between 11am - 4pm and:
    • Speaking to our team
    • Providing your feedback
  • Sharing your ideas on the online ideas wall and seeing what others have suggested
  • Writing on our ideas wall at Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre

It’s important to note that City of Newcastle (CN) must balance a range of views, whilst considering social, financial, environmental and technical constraints. There are some things that the community could influence such as the look, feel and inclusions for the year-round facility, however things such as location, classification of Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre and the requirement for the facility to have learn to swim capability cannot be influenced by the community.

We know that the best outcomes are generated when CN and community work together and we are excited to use your feedback to guide decision making!