Newcastle 2040 - it's our future

We asked you to have your say on how we can deliver your vision

Newcastle 2040 is City of Newcastle's (CN) Community Strategic Plan (CSP). It is the highest level of strategic planning undertaken by CN and sets out a 10-year roadmap identifying our community's vision and aspirations for Newcastle.

We asked you to help shape the next version of City of Newcastle's Community Strategic Plan, by completing a survey and sharing your aspirations for the future of our city.

What we've achieved together

Since developing Newcastle 2040, we've worked with you to make our city more liveable, sustainable, creative and inclusive. Click below to expand each of the sections and find out more.

We're achieving a Liveable Newcastle through the delivery of:

  • pool playground upgrades at Mayfield and Wallsend
  • basketball courts at National Park
  • stormwater improvements and road reconstructions across the region
  • local centre renewals at James Street Plaza, Hamilton; Shortland and Mitchell Street, Stockton
  • a new kiosk and surf club upgrade at Dixon Park
  • refreshed play spaces at Vera Wilson Park, Beresfield; Avon Street Reserve, Mayfield; Harold Myers Park, Loch Ness Drive Park, Birmingham Gardens; Waratah Park, Waratah; Beresfield Swimming Centre.

We're achieving a Sustainable Newcastle through the implementation of:

  • Our Sustainable Waste Strategy
  • The Newcastle Environment Strategy
  • Our street and park tree replacement program.

We're achieving a Creative Newcastle by:

  • Hosting the New Annual and Autumn Alive festivals and the Newcastle 500
  • Leading the Imagine Newcastle campaign
  • Developing the Newcastle Cultural Precinct Concept Masterplan
  • Delivering the Newskills, Lean In Newy and NewMove programs.

We're also Achieving Together by working with:

  • The community to develop the Community Engagement Strategy 2023-2026
  • Our First Peoples to inform the Aboriginal Employment Strategy 2022-2025
  • First responders and community agencies on the Homelessness Action Project and 2022 Annual Hunter Homelessness Connect Day.

Take a look at what we've delivered

Here's how we're achieving a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city. Scroll through the photos and explore some of the projects we've delivered.

Where to next?

As we reflect on what we've achieved together, we wanted to hear how we are tracking towards Newcastle 2040, what can be improved, and your big ideas for the future of our city.

Have your say

We're committed to providing genuine, meaningful opportunities for you to share your voice and have a say.

Between 6 May and 5 July 2024, CN invited the community to help shape the next version of Newcastle 2040.

Consultation on the Newcastle 2040 CSP review is now closed.

Next steps

The project team will review the feedback received before updating Newcastle 2040. Newcastle 2040 will be placed on public exhibition in 2025 where you will be able to let us know if we've gotten it right. It will then be presented to Council for adoption in June 2025.

*Entry into the prize draw competition is subject to terms and conditions. Refer to the Terms and conditions for further information.

Share your one BIG idea

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