During previous community consultation for a raised pedestrian crossing on Frederick Street at Coane Street, we heard that there is a strong desire for pedestrians to travel along Berner Street to and from Dixon Park Beach, but that there are concerns for pedestrian safety as crossing Frederick Street can be difficult.
The community feedback was reported to the Newcastle City Traffic Committee (NCTC) at its meeting of 21 June 2021, and the NCTC referred proposals for pedestrian crossings on Frederick Street at Coane Street and at Berner Street to Council for approval. At its meeting of 27 July 2021, Council approved both raised pedestrian crossings.
The provision of a second pedestrian crossing on Frederick Street at Berner Street, in addition to the crossing on Frederick Street at Coane Street, will significantly improve safety for pedestrians and assist in effecting a lower speed environment on Frederick Street, as envisaged in earlier public domain planning for the Merewether Beach precinct.
Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Frederick Street at Berner Street
The proposed design provides enhanced safety for pedestrians and aims to calm traffic on Frederick Street to accommodate pedestrian thoroughfare to and from Dixon Park Beach. The design proposes to extend existing kerbs to enable accessible access to the pedestrian crossing.
We are also progressing plans to provide a new footpath connection between the Berner Street and Coane Street crossings. Information to residents about this work will be distributed separately once design details have been resolved.
Thanks for having your say!
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Raised Pedestrian Crossing at Frederick St and Berner St. We reviewed all feedback have used this to finalise the design for the pedestrian crossing. Read the Summary Engagement Report here.
The Raised Pedestrian Crossing has been completed.
CN also undertook works to provide a new footpath connection between the Berner Street and Coane Street crossings.