Draft Walking and Mobility Plan

City of Newcastle prepared a draft Walking and Mobility Plan which is a 10-year strategy designed to increase pedestrian activity in Newcastle by building and supporting walkable neighbourhoods.

Community feedback collected during the development of the Principal Pedestrian Network was used to inform the draft Walking and Mobility Plan which was placed on public exhibition.

The strategy aims to make walking and active transport the natural choice for short trips for every member of the community, by prioritising pedestrians in all infrastructure upgrades across the city.

Have your say

Between 27 June and 8 August 2024, the community were invited to find out more and have their say on the draft Walking and Mobility Plan by:

  • Viewing the draft Walking and Mobility Plan via these links:
  • Reading the Frequently Asked Questions available on this page
  • Visting our pop-up events throughout the consultation period (see the events widget on this page for details)
  • Making a submission via the online submission form (now closed)

This plan will guide our programs, projects, and priorities for walking for the next 10 years so it was important to hear your feedback to ensure we'd gotten it right.