Project update

Thanks for having your say! The Wickham Public Domain Plan was unanimously adopted by Council on 28 November 2023. View the final Wickham Public Domain Plan.

Read the Summary Engagement Report or Full Engagement Report to find out what we heard.

For further information about the Wickham Public Domain Plan and City Centre Revitalisation projects, visit the project page.

Wickham Public Domain Plan

The Wickham Public Domain Plan (PDP) provides a framework for the delivery of high-quality streetscapes and public spaces in Wickham. The PDP aims to create a welcoming and positive environment for residents and visitors whilst improving safety, accessibility and amenity. It celebrates the unique character of Wickham and supports the broader renewal of Newcastle City Centre.

Key features of the Public Domain Plan include:

  • The upgrade of Union Street to be an attractive pathway to the heart of the precinct
  • Improved footpath conditions
  • Creation of new community spaces including a linear park along the Bullock Island Railway Corridor with active transport links
  • New laneways and connecting roads
  • New tree plantings and landscaping throughout the precinct

The PDP provides guidance for developers, CN and other bodies carrying out public domain works in Wickham, delivering on the vision and objectives for Wickham established in the Wickham Masterplan 2021.

Thanks for having your say!

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft concept plans. Your feedback was used to help inform the final Wickham Public Domain Plan, which was unanimously adopted by Council on 28 November 2023.

We heard that the community supported the overarching design elements, particularly the pedestrian network and cycleway improvements, increase in trees and greenery, and additional recreation spaces.

Minor changes to the PDP include:

  • a raised intersection at Union and Bishopsgate Street to improve pedestrian connectivity along both roads,
  • a cycleway extension west of Railway Street improving connections to the proposed Wickham Park cycleway.

Read the Summary Engagement Report or Full Engagement Report to find out more about what we heard.