Gregson Park Playspace
We’re thrilled to announce the completion of a new inclusive playground at Hamilton's beloved Gregson Park.
The new playspace includes equipment for a range of ages and abilities, including a six-metre-high climbing tower, trampolines and a balance obstacle course, as well as a softfall mound with slides, rope and rock-climbing elements.
In addition to the traditional play equipment, the playground also features a range of accessible and nature-based play options, with traditional Indigenous elements including a yarning circle to encourage knowledge sharing, and a bush tucker garden to enrich learning and awareness of native edible plants.
Additional shade, formal and informal seating, and footbridges are also features of the project, complemented by an upgraded, accessible amenities building and new covered picnic and BBQ area.
Why was a new playspace developed at Gregson Park?
A Masterplan for Gregson Park was developed to guide the vision and renewal of the park over the next 10 years. An inclusive playspace and amenities upgrades were identified as key priorities during 2020 community consultation for the Gregson Park Masterplan. The Masterplan was adopted by Council in November 2021. For more information about the Gregson Park Masterplan, visit the Have Your Say page.
Thanks for having your say!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas on the concept designs for Gregson Park Playspace! We've reviewed all feedback and have used this to help finalise the design for the playspace. Read the Engagement Report.
What are the key changes to the design based on community feedback?
- Additional climbing net with slide suited to older children
- Additional overhead swinging ladder fitness station for suited to primary to young adults
- Additional seating and picnic tables located throughout the playspace
- Additional BBQ facilities
- Additional bike parking including area adjusted to provide for cargo bikes
- Water bottle refilling tap on drinking fountain
- Path increased to 2.5m wide to ensure paths wide enough for bikes
- Additional trees
Next steps
The development of the new Gregson Park playground and
upgraded amenities was a key component of our Masterplan for
the area. The Masterplan is being implemented over a 10-year period and subject
to budget. Investigation works into the removal of the glasshouse are currently underway and is subject to funding.