Project update
Thanks for having your say! On 31 October 2023, Council voted to adopt the Newcastle Environment Strategy 2023, repealing and replacing the Newcastle Environmental Management Strategy 2013. View the final Strategy or read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Our vision for a sustainable Newcastle
Our environment sustains our community, economy, health and wellbeing. It's at the heart of all that we do. With your input, we've developed the Newcastle Environment Strategy – our 10-year roadmap for achieving our vision of a sustainable Newcastle.
The Strategy outlines how we will go above and beyond our current portfolio of works and programs to continue to lead action on climate change, build a positive future with nature and use our resources sustainably.
Our roadmap for achieving a sustainable Newcastle has been informed by 4,500 pieces of feedback, 200 environmental experts and 150 staff. We heard that reducing waste, protecting our natural areas, taking strong action on climate change and valuing our open green spaces for environmental quality and recreational amenity were key priorities.
What's in our Newcastle Environment Strategy?
Click on the icons in the image below to explore our objectives for achieving a sustainable Newcastle.

The Strategy contains seven strategic priorities that we will focus on over the next ten years to achieve our vision of becoming a sustainable Newcastle. The strategic priorities and deliverables contained in the Newcastle Environment Strategy will be delivered in addition to our current portfolio of works and programs in order to capitalise on our outcomes to date, to continue our role as environmental leaders, and to achieve our vision.
Find out more about our large and diverse current portfolio of works.
We're acting on climate change by:
- Moving our operations towards net zero emissions through the use of electric or low emissions vehicles, machinery and equipment, and reducing our emissions from the Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
- Supporting our city to move towards net zero emissions by encouraging the use of solar power and batteries, electric or low emissions transport and buildings, and renewable energy and battery storage projects.
- Continuing to improve our understanding of the risks and impacts of climate change on our built environment, natural environment and community. This includes better integrating climate risks into our decision making, planning and service delivery
- Improving our planning and development of built areas, and management of natural areas, in response to increased climate risks such as flooding, coastal erosion, storms, heatwaves, drought and fire.
We've committed to achieving net zero emissions from City of Newcastle's operations by 2030, and have set a goal for Newcastle to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 (under the Newcastle Climate Action Plan 2021-2025).
We're building a positive future with nature by:
- Considering how our community values nature when planning and delivering our works and programs, and prioritising initiatives that respond to the climate change, nature loss and pollution crises.
- Improving the liveability of our city by developing a blue green grid that connects town centres, public transport hubs, schools and residential areas with parks, trees, bushland, waterways and other natural areas.
We're transitioning to a circular economy by:
- Improving circularity in our operations and supply chain, by reducing the use of non-renewable resources, designing out waste and pollution, and repairing, reusing and recycling materials. We will support industry, business, and the community to do the same.
Thanks for having your say!
Thanks for sharing your feedback and helping to inform the final Strategy. During public exhibition we received 132 survey responses, seven written submissions, and 49 photo competition entries, with over 200 people attending the community pop-up sessions. To find out more about what we heard, check out the Engagement Report.