Project update
Thanks for having your say! The concept designs were unanimously adopted by Council on 12 December 2023. View the final concept designs or read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.
Detailed design is underway, with construction anticipated to start in 2025. We will continue to update the community as the project progresses. For more information about upgrades to the Western Corridor, please visit the project page.
We recently sought feedback on a proposal to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion by widening and upgrading Minmi Road.
Minmi Road is a key connection from the suburbs of Wallsend, Minmi, Fletcher and Maryland into Newcastle and to the Newcastle Link Road. The city's growing western corridor has led to increased traffic over time.
In February 2022, Council committed to upgrading Minmi Road to reduce congestion, increasing the width of the road to two lanes in each direction, and making changes to some intersections to reduce bottlenecks. Upgrades to the greater western corridor are being delivered in stages.
Stage 1 upgrades Longworth Avenue, Wallsend between Newcastle Road and Cameron Street. For more information, visit the Have Your Say webpage.
Stage 2 (this project) upgrades Minmi Road, Wallsend from Maryland Drive to west of the Summerhill Road roundabout.
Future planned works within the western corridor include:
- Investigation into an upgrade of the Bunnings roundabout to provide two through lanes of traffic westbound, with a merge back to one lane after the roundabout.
- Provision of two lanes of traffic eastbound between Fletcher and Wallsend.
- Investigation of improvements for traffic turning left from Maryland Drive into Minmi Road.
Proposed upgrades
We are working to improve conditions along Minmi Road, from Summerhill Road to Maryland Drive, by widening the road and providing two lanes in each direction.
The proposed upgrades include several key features all of which are aimed at reducing congestion to the immediate area and for the greater Western Corridor.
Key features of the project include:
- Two-lane traffic in both directions, with separated parking lane on one side of the road (eastbound towards Maryland Drive).
- Improved cycling and pedestrian connections.
- Right turn lanes in and out of Anna Place, McNaughton Avenue and the Service Station.
- No right turn into and out of Mount Street.
Thanks for having your say!
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on proposed upgrades to improve traffic flow on Minmi Road.
We heard that there was strong support for two lanes of traffic in both directions, right hand turning lanes and pedestrian and cyclist upgrades. Based on your feedback, the concept plan was amended to remove the provision for right hand turns out of the service station.
Read the Engagement Report to find out what we heard.

Proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with City of Newcastle